Saturday, 23 January 2010


Castelletti is a gripping tale that follows the interrogation of a 1940s gangster named Antony Castelletti. This work of fiction was written and directed by Michael Dodds, aided by a small team consisting of 5 other members. The majority of the camera work was undertaken by Oliver Watson with the rest done by Matthias Fischer, Harry Grieve and Neil McGlashan.

The film took a reasonable short time to create. The film process began with the pre-production work in September 09 - October 09. Filming then commenced once the storyboard had been created and locations had been confirmed along with acting roles. The filming of the short film took approximately 2 months, October 09 until the middle of November 09.

The editing of the piece was a painstakingly difficult yet enjoyable process. A lot of care was put into the editing by Michael and Oliver. Due to the extremely low budget we had to download pre existing sound effects for gun shots and even Officer Fischer's footsteps at the beginning of the film. This took 2-3 weeks for the team to finish which meant that the film was finished before Christmas. It also meant that some of the team got a copy to show to family.

Although a few copies of the film exists it has been sworn to stay off YouTube until the confirmation that Group 6 has won from the competition that it has been entered in. The idea of the competition is simple. Young film makers who have made a short film (around 5 minutes) can enter their piece to be shown at the International Edinburgh Film Festival. However, due to the large amounts of entries that they receive a jury has been formed, of which 2 members of Group 6 are part of, in order to judge the films and pick the best ones to be shown. An extract of Castelletti has been submitted as the full length version is 12 minutes long and was not an acceptable length for the competition.

Let's hope that Group 6 can win their first premier at a prestigious event but hopefully not their only premier there!

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