Instead of Through The Lens though we talked alot more about some of the other ideas we've had. The first production we are working on at the moment is a short called, "Fuck It", written and directed by Oliver Watson. Yes, it's rather explicit but it suits the narrative and ideology of the film. It revolves around a young man who is an iconic punk. He is an individual who feels a bitter distaste towards Britain's culture, society and the way that the government and other establishments treat the people of this country. He speaks directly to the audience about his feelings with the prime aim of making them question themselves. The whole film will be set in Edinburgh. All of the cast were also in Castelletti.
I believe that the production that we will be working on after "Fuck It" is a new take on the western genre. I won't go into detail about this short apart from saying that it is the brainchild of Michael Dodds. The film will feature artistic editing to give it the authentic western feeling but with a twist. There has been no decisions, as of yet, to who will feature in this film but expect it to be two males (although I could be wrong).
A project that we are working on is a documentary on a flashmob that happened last week. A flashmob is an event where everyone meets up in a certain location and when the signal occurs then everyone does something that looks unusual. For instance it could be everyone freezes when a whistle is blown. The t-mobile adverts that have been on lately feature staged flashmobs, which show lots of people dancing or singing in train stations or in the streets of London. Our flashmob was arranged to happen at the Galleries in Edinburgh, an extremely busy area where it would be seen by hundreds of passer-bys. When the whistle was blown everyone that was aware of the flashmob lay down still on the ground for 5 minutes. During this time many people joined in even though they hadn't heard of the flashmob before. Myself (Oliver) and Michael filmed it taking place and are about to start the editing process shortly. Expect to find it on youtube soon.
Virtual Reality and Time Travel are the final two areas this month that we are planning on working with. We have talked a lot more about the Virtual Reality idea a lot more but don't feel confident enough to talk about it on the blog yet and the same goes for the Time Travel, which we only briefly mentioned.
So that's this month for Group 6 Productions. Hopefully we can get some stuff up on youtube for the public to see. A trailer for Castelletti might appear soon if I can get round to it. But apart from that, I am done here!
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