Friday 10 February 2012

First post of 2012! Huzzah!

Cool, so we are in 2012 which, of course means that we only have roughly 11 more months to get our names out there and become famous film makers before the world ends. Great!

We've actually been pretty busy throughout the latter part of last year and the freezing start to this one. We made a fancy advert in a church for Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Cornflakes. However, we had to remove it from the Internet in order to continue living our lives without the Cardinal of Scotland on our back.

The shooting of the advert went very well though. Instead of hiring loads of extras to pose as the church's congregation we just asked everyone who had been at the church to stay behind to help us. As expected not too many stuck around but we definitely had enough. They were even kind enough to sing us a hymn whilst we set all the equipment up. A major problem which we still haven't solved is how to use the damn camera. We decided to use the large shoulder cam which we had been shown to use at college but it was so damn complicated we pretty forgot how to do anything with it. Lighting seemed to be a pretty big issue as well with large windows in the back of the room making most of the shots look a bit over exposed. However, with a bit of editing on the mac we got it looking superb.

We used Ross Donnachie, a student actor who is studying at Telford College, to be our protagonist in the advert. Ross has a very elastic face which means that his expressions were pretty much over the top and exaggerated. However, this worked well for a comical advert about holy cornflakes. Whilst we probably wouldn't use Ross for a serious drama, we would love to work with him again for another advert or a comedy.

After filming at the church we moved to Mike's house which was the setting for the teenagers bedroom. The room got pretty crowded after all three us were standing in it and then set up the camera (this time using my DSLR, which is better anyway) and the lighting kit. The idea is that we were filming Ross waking up in the morning and quickly getting dressed in order to run to church. So naturally we managed to film this at night and used the lighting kit to make it look like morning. What we should have done is put a light outside and shine it in the window but, I think it was raining therefore health and safety screamed, "no!" at us. Apart from this slight hiccup nearly everything else went smoothly. We got the shots we wanted: trousers up, t shirt on, jacket on, zip up. And they edited together beautifully.

And that's it I think for the Crunchy Nut ad. The advert was 30 seconds long and was missing a bit of text at the end during the product shot but apart from that I really enjoyed making it.

Time for a new project or three!!!

Two of the projects are documentaries and the other is a short drama.

I'll begin with the latter - The drama. It's about a wee conflict that me and mike had on a bus with some neds/delinquents. The basic premise of the story is that we got on a late night bus around about the time these neds roam free and they started throwing newspapers at us. Yep typical behavior from these unevolved creatures. And then as the newspaper throwing continues Mike's character refrains from brutally destroying their bodies and deleting them from the history books. It's a simple tale and perhaps Mike can explain it better than me considering he is writing it. Although I can tell you the tension that was in the air that night will most definitely be incorporated into the film. We are going to be doing something that we haven't ever done before and that's hold auditions for the actors. We need six actors all together (the 3 of us and the 3 neds). I think the biggest problem we face is getting a bus to use. We are only in the early stages of planning so haven't contacted any bus companies however, I think we will find a way around it.

I can only explain one of the documentaries that we are going to make. Mainly because I can't remember what the other is about (plants and music I think). The one I can tell you about though is something very strange for multiple reasons. One because it's about strange things in Scotland and secondly because it's being written and directed by me. As I said in that last sentence it is about strange things in Scotland. Three oddities to be exact. The Electric Brae in Ayrshire which is an optical illusion. The Secret Bunker near St Andrews which was kept secret for over 40 years. And finally the Egyptian style lighthouse that is well known in both poetic and novel forms for the disappearance of it's three lighthouse keepers. It's going to be shot around about March/April/May because we are extremely busy with other projects. Also access to the bunker isn't currently available until March. Hopefully I will be able to interview experts in the various locations so as to provide a bit more information on the history of each of these extraordinary places.

I think the last bit of news is that I've managed to get a copy of my old documentary about the Sherlock Holmes statue and put it on the Internet. It's called 'The Hunt For Holmes' and you can click it's name to be taken directly to YouTube to watch it.

Alas, that's another post finished. I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed typing it out (which is very much so). Follow the link to watch the film. Whilst there check out our other classics such as Heraclitus, Castelletti and Flashmob. Keep checking back for more information about the documentaries and drama!!!

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